HER RITES will meet you wherever you are right now.

This book is for the exhausted and empowered, the befriended and the exiled, women who long to be known, seen, and safe, as well as those who have been betrayed, misunderstood, and left longing. This book is for spiritual women who love the Creator because they know the creativity within themselves. The salvific journey will accompany you whether you have walked away from the church, led from a pulpit, or not heard God’s voice in a very long time. This book is safe for the seeking, inspiring for the old soul, and will offer you a friend in Christy along the way.

Dr. Christy Angelle-Vidrine Bauman has worked for over 18 years in her counseling practice with women in spiritual and sexual health; she no longer counsels individual clients. As she is leaving private practice as a therapist, Her Rites is the book she wrote to offer her therapy modality to every woman. Pick up this book if you want to step into her office for therapy. Her Rites is over a year of therapeutic rites of passage that allow each woman to navigate her own story. Take this journey, beginning with your birthright and ending with your legacy.

Rite of Birth
Rite of Initiation
Rite of Exile
Rite of Creating
Rite of Intuition
Rite of Legacy

The rites of passage are accompanied by specific artwork created by Kinsey Aleski or @kinsey.aleski, inviting the reader to deeper curiosity about her own experience. Christy also teamed up with Grammy-award-winning songwriter Sarah Siskind or @SarahSiskind to create a Her Rites album, which offers a meditative song for the reader to use with any bodywork that might accompany her rite of passage.

A salvific, emotional, and life-changing book.

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