Books & Films

Her Rites

Every woman wants wholeness—to be at home in her body, in her relationships, in her life. But women too often feel that they don’t belong to themselves. The path to wholeness, to a woman belonging to herself, is formidable, and women know they can’t…

The Sexually Healthy Woman

What is sexual health? If you google the definition of sexual health it reads a definition such as, the ability to embrace and enjoy one’s sexuality throughout one’s life. I have always felt compelled not to allow women’s research to be further…

Stumbling Toward Wholeness

We desire to be transformed, to grow more and more like Christ. But for many of us, our strategies for change don’t work. We misperceive God as a judgmental Father, leaving us demoralized and paralyzed by shame. Stumbling toward Wholeness offers a…


This book recounts the lessons of confusion, peace, struggle, and love within the rich journey that God works in a missional heart. The transition from the mission field back into the Western world is challenging, deep, and unsettling. However, the…

A Brave Lament [FILM]

After losing their first child to stillbirth, therapists Andrew and Christy only knew one way to grieve: loud and outwardly. Though their son Brave never took his first breath, his death and their exposed grief has echoed throughout a close-knit…

A Brave Lament [BOOK]

A Brave Lament encourages the scandalous invitation into the belly of grief. Pain matters and is the doorway to knowing God more fully. With heart-wrenching grief accessible through poetic writings, hope is found in the most unlikely place, in the…

Theology of the Womb

This is a book about the theology found in the cycle of the womb, which births both life and death. Every day each one of us is invited to create, and every day we make a decision knowing that from our creation can come death or life. Women’s voices…


Womb Birth Story Exercise


Begin this exercise by putting yourself in a quiet reflective place and ask yourself to write out the year prior to the year you were born. Imagine your…

Theology of the Womb Book Club Kit


Here is a printable pdf file to use for a Theology of the Womb book club including the discussion questions from the book.

Generational Familial and Thematic Patterns Genogram Worksheet


This is a worksheet which uses a basic genogram structure to help married/divorced/coupled partners identify the generational patterns in the three generations…

Sexuality Timeline Worksheet


The sexuality timeline worksheet is a basic, lifespan timeline that is used to name and address different sexual events in a client’s life that make up their…

Body Map Exercise


Here are the worksheets and exercises for each woman who wants deeper identification of her voice and story. We find our voice when we are able to name where…